Case Study

Arc MicroTech


To ensure new product compatibility and to ensure consistent branding and imagery across web and print channels.

Type - 3D Visualisation


  • Prototyping
  • Money saving
  • Error avoidance
  • 3d visualisation
  • Brand alignment

Arc MicroTech

Arc Microtech are a Kent based company that produce and supply health products for treating equine and human muscle tissue injuries and encouraging general wellbeing. The Arc unit is a compact, portable, battery operated device, which delivers drug-free, non-invasive treatment using Microcurrent Therapy. 

They originally approached us to do some work for their upcoming web launch where the boxed products in production required detailed visualising and setting into their ecommerce website. We were also asked to amend artwork and align certain brand elements to ensure colour and consistency was as realistic as possible on the product and its packaging.

3D visual of product packaging

Later we were asked to help prototype some additional elements in the form of their new design conductive pads, that would be clipped onto the belt strap and worn against the skin. Arc needed to ensure these would be compatible with the devices currently in the set as well as future editions and so the design needed to be tested and proven.

We worked the design up in our 3D software suite, sent our files to a 3D printer and delivered the prototypes to the client. Fortunately, the original design was accurate (and luckily quite simple) that it passed all their tests and went into production to complete the circle.

By using our service, the client was able to determine a positive and accurate outcome. They also avoided costly tooling errors, eliminated guesswork and ended up with a speedy resolution.

‘Whilst expanding our range of products, we were wanting to have some 3D designs generated in order to model the product before manufacture. Vivid Pixel were brilliant to work with, produced a 3D visualisation of exceptional quality, and went above and beyond to ensure our needs were met.’

Arc MicroTech


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